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Tripod Guide Solve
It can be difficult to use GeoH tracking with bouncy hand-held shots, because the next location of the object in the image is unpredictable, even though the path of the object itself is predictable. Tracking will frequently be lost.
This can be addressed by doing a preliminary tripod-mode autotracked solve for the scene, even though hand-held shots are not precisely nodal (typically they are the worst thing, somewhere between nodal and a proper translating camera).
The tripod solve does not have to be particularly good, as it is used only as a guide. The overall error might even be tens of pixels.
Important Tip: Although a poor tripod solve can be good for guiding the GeoH solve, the Field of View (FOV) from a poor tripod solve may be very wrong. We recommend determining the FOV using the Pinning tool (or single- frame alignment tool on the Lens panel), then setting that FOV up with the "Fixed,Known" lens setting on the lens panel before doing the tripod-mode solve.
Then, do the GeoH tracking. The animated camera (from the tripod solve) will allow the position of the GeoH object to be predicted properly.
This can be a reasonable way to handle adding a 3-D effect to an almost-tripod shot that doesn't solve well as either a tripod or normal shot, as long as the effect is to be added to, or near to, something that is trackable using GeoH tracking.
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