Select Trackers (Tracker)

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Select Trackers (Tracker)

This phase causes a specific set of trackers to be selected within the phase pipeline when the phase is run. You can use multiple Select Trackers phases at different parts of the phase tree to select different sets of trackers at those different portions.

To use the phase, select the desired set of trackers in the main SynthEyes user interface, by whatever means you like: lassoing in the camera or 3D views, clicking them, running Autoplace, using a script, etc. Then click the Store Trackers button on the phase's user interface. The phase will store away this list of trackers. When the phase runs, it will re-select the trackers within the pipeline.

When you come back to the scene later in the week and want to know what trackers the phase selects, click the Flash Trackers button and they will flash in the various viewports.

If you want to change the set of trackers, say by adding or removing a few, click the phase's Reselect Trackers button, and the stored trackers will be selected again in the main user interface. You can select more trackers, or unselect some, then simply click the Store Trackers button again to update what the phase will do.

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