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Mesh Edges
The following calls all return an edge data object with information about the edges of a mesh. Note that these are fairly compute intensive; you should call these once then examine the result repeatedly as necessary.
.Edges() All edges, based on the SynthEyes vertex numbers.
.ShownEdges() All edges that are shown, ie with .showAB etc on, excluding those that are not shown, based on SynthEyes vertex numbers.
.UniqueEdges() All edges, based on unique vertex numbers (see Mesh Re-Numbering)
.ShownUniqueEdges() All edges that are shown, based on unique
vertex numbers.
.OriginalEdges() All edges, based on the original vertex numbers (see Mesh Re-Numbering).
.ShownOriginalEdges() All edges that are shown, based on the
original vertex numbers.
The following functions can be called on the returned edge data object.
.VertexCount() The number of vertices related to this edge object, which may be the number of SynthEyes vertices, the number of unique vertices, or number of original vertices.
.EdgeCount() The number of edges in this edge object.
.VertexToFirstEdge(vtxno) The edge index of the first edge on this
.EdgeSrcVertex(edgeno) The source vertex number of the given edge.
.EdgeDstVertex(edgeno) The destination vertex number of the given edge.
.EdgeFace1(edgeno) The first face number, ie on one side of the
.EdgeFace2(edgeno) The second face number, ie on the other side of the edge.
Any of the edge object's calls may return 0 indicating an invalid/unused object; in some cases that can include the Src and Dst vertices, as well as the Face numbers (especially Face2!). Each edge appears twice in the list, once in each direction, ie v1 to v2 and v2 to v1. Use the VertexToFirstEdge call to find the first edge associated with a vertex; continuing to successive edges while monitoring EdgeSrcVertex to find additional edges on the same vertex.
Note that the face numbers are triangle numbers, this is independent of any Quad processing as described next.
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