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Color. Swatch. Color assigned to trackers when Set Color is on.


Max Lostness. Spinner. Prospective trackers are compared to the other trackers to make sure they are not “lost in space.” The spinner controls this test: the threshold is this specified multiple of the object’s world size. For example, with a lostness of 3 and a world size of 100, trackers more than 300 units from the center of gravity of the others will be dropped.

Re-fetch possibles. Button. Push this after changes in Max Lostness.

Add. Button. Adds the trackers into the scene and closes the dialog. Will take a little while to complete, depending on the number of trackers and length of the shot.

Cancel. Button. Close the dialog without adding any trackers.

Defaults. Button. Changes all the controls to the standard default values.

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