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Freeze Frame
Each perspective view can be independently disconnected from the main user interface time slider, “frozen” on a particular frame. This can be useful to view a shot from two different frames simultaneously (to link trackers from different parts of the same shot), or to view two shots with different lengths simultaneously and with some independent control. That is especially helpful for multi-shot tracking, where the reference shot is only a few frames long.
See View/Freeze on this frame on the right-click menu. Using the normal A, s, d, F, period, and comma accelerator keys within a frozen perspective window will change the frozen frame, not the main user interface time. To update the main user interface time from within the perspective window, use the left and right arrows (or move outside the perspective window!). To re-set the frozen time to the current time, hit View/Freeze on this frame again. To unfreeze, use View/Unfreeze.
The Scrub mouse mode will scrub the frozen frame number, or the normal frame number, depending on whether or not the frame is frozen.
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