Tracker Mini-View (Tracker Panel & Planar Panel)

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Tracker Mini-View (Tracker Panel & Planar Panel)

The mini-view shows the interior of the tracker. For offset trackers, when the tracker is unlocked, the mini-view shows the pixels being tracked and shows an offset marker for the final tracker location (if it is within the mini-tracker view); when the tracker is locked, the mini-view shows the final tracker location, including the offset.

Note : The mouse operations are different for planar trackers, please see Planar Trackers in the Tracker Mini-View in the Planar Tracking Manual.

Left Mouse: Drag the tracker location. The control key will reduce sensitivity for more accurate placement. Spot or symmetry trackers will snap to the best nearby location (within two pixels). Hold down ALT/Command to suppress snapping. Also, drag a tracker offset marker. On offset trackers, shift-drag to move the tracker, leaving the final (offset) position stationary.

Middle Mouse. Control-drag to scrub the timeline, release control to scrub faster, and hold shift to scrub even faster. Note that unlike middle scroll, this does NOT do any tracking.

Middle Scroll: Advance the current frame, tracking as you go.

Right Mouse: Add or remove a position key at the current frame. Or, cancel a drag in progress.

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