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Appendix 3: From the Trenches
We'll throw some actual fix-it examples in here from time to time.
Delete a GeoH Object But Not Its Children
Mo-Cap Retargeting
Selecting the Targets of All Links
Swapping Lock Coordinates
Flipping Lock Coordinates #2
Rotating Lock Coordinates #3
Rounding the Lock Coordinates #4
Setting Lock Distance
Export Only Some Random Trackers
Make a Tracker Stationary
Animate Object from Path on Mesh
Alignment Gags
Rescale a Mesh Via Tracker to Tracker Distance
Make a Jittery Camera Stand Still
Generate Sections of a Shot
Remove Constraints from Non-Seed Trackers
Convert Tracker Links to Constants
Copy Solved Roll Angle to GeoH Lock Roll Angle
Skip Several Frames in a Solve
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